
Anemia Care

Anemia Care فقر الدم Price: Before:         Now:            340 SAR Rating:  5/5 Details: A complete test menu for the diagnosis and monitoring of Anemia disease. App Download: FREE home sample collection download the mobile app and order NOW Buy Now Description CBC IronTIBC Ferritin Vitamin B12Folic Acid Reticulocytes […]

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Kidney Health

Kidney Health صحة الكلى Price: Before:        300 SAR Now:             Rating  5/5 Details: A complete checkup for all kidney related diseases.  App Download: FREE home sample collection download the mobile app and order NOW Buy Now Description BUNCreatinineUric AcidUrine analysisPhosphorsElectrolytesAlbuminAlbumin/Cr ratioCa/Cr ratio T. ProteinGlobulin

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Liver Health

Liver Health صحة الكبد Price: Before:         Now:            199  Rating  5/5 Details: Monitoring liver diseases and all related liver abnormalities. App Download: FREE home sample collection download the mobile app and order NOW Buy Now Description AST ALTBilirubinAlkaline PhosphataseAlbuminGGTSerum ProteinLDHGlobulinCholesterol TotalHBsAgHCVBile Acid

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Heart and Cardiovascular

Heart and Cardiovascular القلب و الأوعية الدموية Price: Before:        300  Now:            Rating:  5/5 Details: A specialized program is focused on cardiovascular diseases and all related matters. App Download: FREE home sample collection download the mobile app and order NOW Buy Now Description CBCCreatinineTriglyceridesCholesterol TotalLDLLDHCholesterolCK MBTroponin Ihs-CRP

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Thyroid Care

Thyroid Care الغدة الدرقية Price: Before:        350  Now:             Rating:  5/5 Details: Thyroid hormone levels are monitored to diagnose thyroid problems and guide treatment. App Download: FREE home sample collection download the mobile app and order NOW Buy Now Description Free T3T4 (Free)Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)Thyroid AbAnti TPO

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Bone Health

Bone Health صحة العظام Price: Before:        300  Now:       Rating:  5/5 Details: Complete diagnosis for bone diseases, in addition to all the elements that play a significant role in bone health. App Download: FREE home sample collection download the mobile app and order NOW Buy Now Description CBCCalciumVitamin DAlkaline PhosphatasePhosphorousUric AcidCRPRFESR

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Allergy الحساسية​ Price: Before:        350  Now:             Rating:  5/5 Details: Identify substances that trigger allergic reactions or cause unexpected immune system reactions. App Download: FREE home sample collection download the mobile app and order NOW Buy Now Description Immunoglobulin E (IgE) TotalAllergens specific IgE Screening (Food panel)Allergens specific

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